ALWAYS have a PLAN even if you live in an area where disasters rarely, if ever, occur.
You should always try to take your pet with you.
Have a pet check list and store all emergency items together, readily available, so you wont waste time looking for them.
Emergency kits should include:
Well vented carrier, leash and/or harness,
Bottled water,
Cans of food with the pull-back top
If you have cats, this kit should include one litter box per cat with plenty of litter available to last 3 or 4 days.
If you find yourself in a situation where it is impossible to take your pet with you in a disaster, there are organizations that can help. Get your phone book out and have those numbers available before disaster strikes. If you cant find an organization in your area please visit the Website below.
The bottom line is, being educated and knowing your options is key to preventing the unnecessary suffering and possible death of your pet.
For more life saving information on taking care of your animals in disasters please visit the following web sites: